My latest debate on

Sam (name changed) -

• Main-Grand

Sadly, many marketing campaigns are set up to get people's attention even if they are not accurate.

When companies say they offer "free solar panels', usually they are offering a power purchase agreement (PPA) or lease. With both a PPA or a lease, solar panels are installed on a homeowner's roof and owned by a third party. Because someone besides the homeowner owns the solar energy system, the homeowner does not pay for the solar system. Instead, the homeowner pays the owner of the solar panel system for the power that the solar panel system produces.

When a PPA or lease is set up, the company providing the lease or PPA makes its money by selling electricity from the solar panel system to the homeowner. "Free solar panel systems" usually come with high electricity rates that limit customers' savings and lock them into a solar option that is not the best solution for their specific needs.

Me - Ernie Delgado

• Western Hills Oaks

Vic, You are correct on some points but not all.

Yes, our model is based on the Power Purchase Agreement or PPA. We call it the Solar Superhero Program or SSP.

Small solar installers DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT THIS PROGRAM because there is little to zero profit in it for them.

With our PPA / SSP program, our solar provider will install the solar system and maintain it for free, zero! That is a $30,000 to $60,000 system depending on your home and your power needs, installed for free. Nothing out of pocket.

There are also NO LIENS and no lease payment. The system is also transferable if you sell your house. There is no arguing these points. Want to see my contract? Yes, the solar company owns the system, and the arrangement for getting FREE solar is that you buy your power from them. However, the cost for power from them is significantly lower than what you now pay to Edison. 30% lower or more depending on your home size and your power consumption habits.

Now, if you have $30,000 to $60,000 laying around and have a strong desire to spend it and own your system from day one, buy your system. You might recoup that money in 15 to 20 years or so.

However, if you like having $30,000 to $50,000 sitting in the bank earning interest for you, keep your money and take advantage of our program. If you still want to own the system, the contract allows for a buyout after 5 years. And in 5 years you will pay FMV (Fair Market Value) which will be at least 25% to 35% lower than the value today.

Still not impressed?

What we are doing here is creating an alternative power grid using our roofs and the sun. The byproduct is clean power and if we all come on board to the solar model, any model, we can now start improving climate conditions. We need to start somewhere.

I grew up and still live in Carbon Canyon. My home was burned to the ground in the late ’80s and rebuilt. I and my family have been evacuated twice in the last 10 years and conditions are getting worse. This is not just business for me it is personal. Probably for you too.

This is my way to make a difference by sharing this program with people and trying to make sure the facts are clear. We also offer a curriculum to schools to promote renewable energy and create fundraisers for them. We work with membership organizations to offer a Solar member benefit.

The more roofs I turn to solar the better off our planet will be for us and for our children. How is this not a no-brainer decision? Please help me understand this.



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